As an employer, one of your principal obligations is to ensure the safety of your workers. Many of the accidents that happen in the workplace could have been avoided, while others would have been difficult to predict and prevent.
Today, bad things are happening in businesses throughout the world. These include natural disasters, acts of terror or the disgruntled ex-employee who returns to exact revenge on those he believes have wronged him. Safety has become more than just showing the location of fire extinguishers and emergency exits. It now requires a more serious and comprehensive approach to the security and safety of your people.
As one of the leaders of your company, it’s critical you undertake a safety initiative that addresses the safety of your workers, customers and vendors. Here are some tips to consider:
It doesn’t just happen to others
Bad things can occur in your business when you least expect them. And the perpetrator might be a stranger or someone you thought you knew well. Facing that fact is the critical first step in preventing, responding and surviving.
Keep your eyes peeled and teach awareness to your people
The bad guys count on catching you by surprise. Start paying closer attention to unusual behavior and challenge it immediately. If it’s one of your workers, call them into your office and find out what’s wrong. Don’t ignore anyone who is acting suspicious, and train your people not to ignore them, either.
Ask the police for advice
Law enforcement officials are always happy to give suggestions on keeping your business safe. Some can even point you in the direction of educational courses that will provide training. There are also private companies that can give you expert advice on all facets of workplace safety.
Have a plan
Each of your workers should know what to do if there’s a crisis. Your policy manual should include a written plan of action that explains the steps you and your workers must take in the event of an emergency that’s caused by either a violent person or a natural disaster. You should consult your attorney before making the plan final.
Schedule regular drills
A plan is only as good as its implementation. Once every quarter, you should have a training exercise so everyone knows what they will be doing and where they will be going if the unthinkable happens.
Assign safety leaders
Appoint your most capable employees to help coordinate and take on extra responsibility during an emergency. Workplace security operates best when it’s a team effort.
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